October 10, 2015
A great deal of skill has been used in constructing your new Snap in Dentures, and they must be cared for if you are to get the best service from them. Nothing has been found to be equal to healthy natural teeth, but dentistry has made great progress in replacing them with artificial ones. These can be expected to do pretty much everything that natural teeth do, they will enable you to eat and speak and laugh satisfactorily.
Settling in Period
New Snap in Dentures are often a little tight when you Snap them in, this is because of the little swelling of your gums due to the mini dental implants placement. Remember that your gums need to heal!
Sometimes takes a little practice to learn how Snap them in and out, but once you found how it’s easier and comfortable for you to do it, you will have no problem!
It takes a little time for your gum to completely heal. During this stage they are likely to cause a little soreness, this is normal.
You can request as many adjustments as you need to make your new Snap in Dentures comfortable for you, and we will be with you until you feel completely comfortable with using them.
At first, you may also find that you bite your tongue and cheeks, but this usually corrects itself after a short time when the muscles have adjusted themselves to the new support. Depending on the amount and rate of change occurring in the mouth, an individual may require some adjustment and up to one month to adapt to new dentures.
Remember -if you encounter any problems with your new Snap in Dentures; tell us and we will rectify them. There is no addition cost for these subsequent visits.
First Impressions
The teeth on your Snap in Dentures have been placed as near as possible to the exact position you natural teeth occupied. This will support your lips and cheeks and give you as natural an appearance as possible. You can expect to undergo a period of awkwardness while getting used to the dentures. Your first reaction may be that you have suddenly acquired a tremendous mouthful and that your lips are being pushed forward excessively by teeth that seem too big. Even when you choosed the size, shape and color this sometimes happen when you had much time without teeth and should not worry you, because the feeling of fullness will soon wear off as you become accustomed to the new Snap in Dentures in your mouth. You may think that because they feel very big to you, they will appear big to others. This is not so and there should be no need for embarrassment.
With Snap in Dentures, you will never have a feel of gagging because unlike the regular dentures, your Snap in Dentures are palate-less. This also allow you to taste much better the food! While you are learning to use your new dentures, it is necessary to have patience. The time required to become accustomed to new Snap in Dentures varies with each individual: some master their dentures in a very short time; others require weeks of patience to do so. Most of our patients says that is much easier than with regular dentures!
Speaking may seem strange at first. This is because your tongue has to learn where the teeth are. It is a good idea to read aloud to yourself for short periods during the first few days. Take occasional sips of water from a glass, as reading aloud will make your mouth feel dry. There is no need to be embarrassed about speaking; other people are much less aware of the awkwardness than you are. This is because your own voice doesn’t sound the same to other people as it does to you.
When you hear yourself speak, most of the sound reaches your ears by means of vibrations in the bones of the jaw and skull, this varies from the sound that travels through the air in the ordinary way. Therefore, any small changes become much more noticeable to the speaker than to anyone else.
Patients frequently report that the sense of taste is affected when they first wear regular dentures, this will not be a problem with Snap in Dentures because they’re palate-less!
Eating with Snap in Dentures
This will never be a problem again.
Since your Snap in Dentures have a great anchorage with your mini dental implants. Your Snap in Dentures will never move or fell out unlike regular dentures. You will be able to eat a steak, corn from the comb or even sticky foods without problem!
Just like natural teeth are firmly fixed in bone, your Snap in Dentures will be firmly attached to your mini dental implants screwed to your bone.
Night time -Should Snap in Dentures Be Worn At Night?
With regular dentures it is advisable to remove dentures at night. With Snap in Dentures you will be able to sleep with your denture without problems. Sleeping with them will protect your gums and mini implants if you grind your teeth but you might need to wear a night ward to protect them. Remember that it is very important for you to follow your hygiene routine before sleeping! Brushing your mini implants and your Snap in Denture to prevent bad breath and to keep them in good shape.
If you choose to remove your Snap in Dentures at night, never put them in water, since this might affect the o-rings and housings in your Denture.
If you’re using regular dentures and you’re tired of the difficulties that this bring into your life, Snap in Dentures it’s an amazing solution that will give you security and self-steem!
We are waiting for you, take the first step. Call now toll free 1800 961 0419