February 26, 2019
When we are young, you probably noticed that we keep food in your mouth as long as possible, this because we chew food like that to allow us to swallow better. If you have lost your teeth, you know what we are talking about and now you have to know that you can chew again with Snap in Dentures!
Many times, changes in our eating habits are because as we grow, we started to give more importance to the time and all our responsibilities and situations throughout our day. We chew ver little most of time, without letting us enjoy our food.
This unhealthy habit has its consequences on the body, as the metabolism of digestion begins with the mouth and saliva. Your buds, teeth and molars have an important mission to carry out! By getting Snap in Dentures with Dental Implants in Cancun, you can make a full recovery of your chewing ability.
With the saliva we secrete ptyalin, which is the enzyme responsible for breaking down carbohydrates. If you do not chew well, we do not give time to secrete saliva and, therefore, these molecules can not effectively break down and have to let other organs and other enzymes do that, thus forcing the machinery to no avail. With Snap in dentures, you will not suffer from dry mouth again and eating will be easy again for you.
In addition, saliva helps to chew and is believed taste buds provide information to the brain to stimulate the secretion of different substances, depending on the composition of that food.
In general, when we are not chew well, we are wasting enzymes and forcing certain organs work more than necessary. Moreover, when the digestion of this food fails, the body is unable to separate beneficial substances of toxic substances thus favoring malnutrition and poisoning our body.
* Saliva beneficial to oral health
Did you know that saliva is essential to maintain good oral health? Saliva prevents food to adhere to teeth and also has antiseptic functions that somewhat prevent infection attacks by microorganisms. That’s why you are more exposed to infections with a dry mouth due to a loose denture.
*Chew to be happy
When we chew thoroughly, we oxygenate the body, producing a pleasant feeling of wellbeing and reducing stress levels.
*Chewing diet
A Japanese study from the University of Osaka, published by the British Medical Journal, about the eating habits of 3,000 Japanese, showed that people who eat fast and chew little were three times as likely to suffer obesity. If you want to permanently lose weight, now you know to start chewing your food well.
* Chew to eat less
The longer it took to swallow food in our mouth it took less to satisfy us, because the brain needs some time to detect satiety. If in that span of time we have eaten fast and chewed wrong, we will have eaten a lot more and we will have forced our bodies to perform worse digestion.
This, combined with restoring confidence in yourself and impressive look 10 years younger with a totally new and dazzling smile solution offers dental Snap In Dentures.
If you have any question about our treatments, or you just want to know Prices call toll free 1800-961-0419 our dental planners are waiting for you!
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