October 24, 2015
Most of our patients comes to our practice to get a new denture because the old one “doesn’t fit.” After a few more questions to get an accurate idea of what is happening there, usually boils down to the lower denture that floats around when eating, gets food under it, creates sore spots, and is generally a hassle.
Upper dentures also might have these same issues but for lower dentures almost universally do. When patients with this problems, comes to us, making a new denture most of the times will not improve things and will result in frustration on the patient.
During the clinical evaluation, sometimes we discover that the patient has worn a denture successfully in the past and has recently lost weight and now says it’s not fitting properly or the denture was originally an immediate denture that had never been relined and now, after months or years of osseous resorption, the denture is indeed very loose.
There’s only one thing to do at this point: Securing the denture with mini dental implants and this for sure will change the patient’s life for the better.
By having mini dental implants in Cancun, our patients eliminate the majority of their problems and Snap in Dentures allow them to return to a normal diet! This is a blessing most of them want—especially because we have the most affordable dental implants in Cancun.
There are millions, perhaps many hundreds of millions of people worldwide who have few or no teeth and manage to ingest enough calories to survive. We know that teeth are not necessary for survival. However, the vast majority of people not only want to survive, but they also want to eat what they consider to be a normal diet and to look good doing it. That’s why our mission in Snap in Dentures, is improve our patient’s life, health and self-steem.
You will forget about denture adhesive and of course, you can forget about the embarrassing possibility of coughing out a denture at a family party.
Almost every edentulous patient can have his or her life improved with Snap in Dentures!
Some of the advantages of coming for Snap in Dentures with mini dental implants in Cancun are:
As far as we can tell, patient satisfaction with them is highest. Patients, even those with a badly resorbed mandible, are able to chew well and eat most foods with a bit of practice.
What are you waiting to come for your mini dental implants and Snap in Dentures in Cancun? We have the solution to your denture problems!
Improve your life and self-steem with Snap in Dentures! We want to see you smile! Call now toll free 1800 961 0419 or click here!