January 19, 2016
Today we would like to talk about the proper care you are going to need after a dental extractions and a surgery. As you have chosen snap in dentures with mini implants technology if you don’t have a denture already it will be necessary for you that we remove the teeth where your new snap in dentures will take place it will not take a lot of time and the healing process is usually quick if you follow the orders we are going to give you here. If you already have a denture and you still want to get snap in dentures we suggest you to read this post.
After your dental extractions are done and you will be leaving our dental clinic you need to be cautious until the anesthesia effects are gone because you will feel numbness in the treated area, then is highly recommendable for you to not use straws when you are drinking because it affects the healing process. Also you should not smoke, drink alcohol or hot beverages and the first day you need to try to eat only soft foods avoiding any fatty foods or any foods containing seeds.
In the first 24 hours you should not have any intense physical activity and you must not try to remove the stitches with your tongue, those will be removed when you visit your dentist in your next appointment.
It is important that people know about the proper cares they must have because in cases people don’t follow the instructions we recommend, they might experience a bone infection which will require another treatment and we do not want you to waste precious time of your dental implant vacations in Cancun.
Please remember although it is a minor surgery it is still a surgery and you must take your meds and follow the instructions the doctor gave you. And in case you have severe pain that doesn’t stop even with your meds or an abnormal symptom you need to immediately call the dentist.
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