July 12, 2019
You need to be very careful when you look for removable dental implant dentures because there are many dentists that wish to take your money without giving you a real solution. Why are we so concerned about this?
Turns out many of our patients comment again and again that they had seen other options of implant dentures in the USA and even here in Cancun but they only used 2 or 4 normal dental implants. This is not good! Let’s picture this: When you lose a tooth, the remaining pressure gets distributed to the others around it, that’s why sometimes losing one tooth might lead to the loss of the others if you don’t act fast enough! Now… each arch of your mouth can have 16 teeth… imagine if the pressure of eating and chewing has to fall on only 4 regular implants? The failure rate of that treatment will increase too much! Also, regular implants require a few months to be bonded to the bone. They will send you back home without finishing the work. That is why we combine mini implants for fast healing and more of them for support. This is the treatment that has allowed thousands of patients to smile again! Here’s doctor Arzate talking about this!
If you see websites that they are selling snap in dentures or snap on dentures here in Cancun, is fake advertising, why is that? Because I’m the inventor of the snap in dentures, and you know what? They are selling that they do this, but once you get there, they switch it to those implants or a two stage implants or they tell you the bone quality is not the same, that’s not true. Snap in Dentures is a fusion of so many techniques in implantology and I’ve been doing it for years, more than 10 years doing snap in dentures or snap on dentures, the way you wanna tell them. And it consists of 8 implants on uppers, 8 implants on lowers, is Snap in Dentures, no roof of the palate and that’s what we do, but you are going to find clinics that they’re gonna tell you that they sell it, well no and I can bet you on that, because they don’t know how to do it. See their websites. Tell them, show me a video from all the process with snap in dentures, check my website! You gonna see lots of cases of before and after and patients talking about snap in dentures. You’re not gonna find either one video of a patient saying I did the snap in dentures with 8 uppers and 8 lowers miniimplants. Probably they are going to tell you they’re going to put 2 or 4 that’s not the Snap in Dentures. That’s the right part with Snap in Dentures so if someone is selling you that and giving you a good price, beware, because when you get there, they are gonna change it and they are going to tell you whatever they want just not to do the technique because they don’t know how to do it. That’s the way that it works, I’m sorry to tell you that, but I’m Doctor Arzate and I’ve been on this for a long time. You are going to find young ncliics and also you are gonna have lots of clinics which they sell that but at the end, they don’t do it, and if you have any comments, don’t hesitate to contact, I’m Doctor Arzate. Thank you.