February 10, 2019
A good smile can do more than letting the world know that you are happy, it’s one of the things you can do to boost your health, mood and longevity!
Here are some if the benefits of smiling.
1. Reduce stress: This is a common problem in the modern society that causes many health problems. Smiling is a simple stress relief, pleases endorphins that diminish the stress hormones.
2. Lower heart rate: Smiling slows the heart rate and relaxes the whole body. People who smile or laugh more often are less likely to develop heart disease and also reduces blood presume temporarily.
3. Trust: Many studies show that we are more trustful of others with their smile. Its an important part of social health when dealing with other people and seems like many relationships are built on smiles.
4. Painkiller: Smile and laugh releases endorphins that lift our mood, and also act as a natural painkiller.
5. It’s contagious: Around 50% of the people smile back. This helps to spread the benefits to those around you and comes back to you.
6. Look Younger: Smiling natural lifts the face and make people look around 3 years Younger on average.
7. Boost immune system: Smiling helps the body to relax and this help the immune system to react more quickly against diseases.
8. Eran Success: A smile can make you appear confident and self-assured. People that miles are more likely to earn more money through tips and raises.
9. Makes you attractive: Smiling make you look more attractive and it’s special true for women. Men are more likely to approach to women who miles than others who simply makes eye contact.
10. Better mood: Endorphins lifts your mood. If you’re feeling down, smile more even if its not entirely genuine at first.
If you want to enjoy these benefits and need help with your smile, get in touch with us!